Tuesday, February 17, 2009

day 10

The six day stretch is done!! I finally have a couple of days off so I can do laundry & clean & sleep for a little while. Today was really fun though...I was at Scuttle's for the day..I actually closed it so it was nice. Nothing too exciting happened at work that I can remember. If I remember something I'll add it.

After work a few work friends wanted to go see the new Clint Eastwood movie so we did. It was really good minus the yucky parts which included blood & violence. Not my faves, but the story was REALLY good & we all enjoyed it. We ended up going & chilling at Denny's for a little while before Mike dropped me back off at my place and now I'm here telling you about it!

So I'm hoping for a reall good few days off before heading back to work. I've got to fix a couple of scheduling things for next week...yay!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kelly!! Just want you to know I've been keeping up and reading everything, even though I don't comment! It sounds like such a blast =D I'm glad you're having such a good time and being so happy... Things around the home front have been a tad rough, but you know I'm strong! I'll survive, haha.

    Sounds like you've made a nice little friend, btw ;)
