Friday, March 20, 2009


wow, I'm getting really bad about keeping up with this blog! I'm sorry, everyone!

Just a quick update:
I had my character audition yesterday & I will find out if I made it on April 13th. I'm nervous & excited!
I also requested to extend my college program into the summer because I'm not ready to leave yet. I think that one of my roommates is also planning on extending which would be so much fun because she's a great girl!
Also, I have a boyfriend. If you've been keeping up with this, it's character Mike. If you haven't been keeping up, then it's this really sweet guy that is a full-timer & cares about me very much. :-) It's just weird saying that I have a boyfriend now because I haven't for so long....
Work is going really well. I had 10 hours today & I have 12 more tomorrow and the next day. It's been busy, but I still manage to keep a smile on my face and happiness in my heart. I love it here....


  1. Aww, Kelly, that's so exciting!!!! I'm really, really happy for you =D I know we've talked a lot about that sorta thing, and it just makes me ecstatic that it's working out for you!!!

    Good luck on getting the part you want, I'm sure you rocked out your audition! I miss you very much, my dear ^_^

  2. Go Kelly!
    I love reading your blog, you really are living in the happiest place on earth. :)

  3. Jennifer (the best Irish dance teacher!!!)March 31, 2009 at 3:25 AM

    Hey Girl, sounds like everything is going great for you. Well it looks like the both of us will be anxiously waiting for news (good hopefully) on or around April 13. I have applied to the nursing program (here in Michigan it is very competive to get in). But I will know by the 15th if I got in or not. I too am nervous and excited. Keep up the blogging, and say hi to Shannon for me.
